Friday, May 27, 2011

this week in science(daphnia and introduced species)

this week in science we did research on animals. we wrote how they were found and how they were introduced. we also wrote how they affected the enviroment and how they were spread. the last thing we did was write what humans did about this. then we went on the bio bus and did experiments on a daphnia like intoxicating them with alcohol and seeing their heart rates.

this week in science we learned about daphnias and how they are found in rivers. we learned that daphnias are good testing subjects because they are small. we also learned that they used the daphnia was the model organism. i learned that zebra mussels attach to animals and they are bad for some animals because they are capable of killing some animals.i also learned that austrailan rabbits were so bad because there bad reproducing ability.

Friday, May 13, 2011

this week in science(fruit fly dyo part 1)

this week in science we shuffeled around in groups. in each table the group moved to was a teacher. we answered questions on worksheets. we also made a graph in our notebook to research the 3 viles each week and write down number of males and females in each. we also checked our habitats my spider made lots of webs.
this week we learned about diffrent graphs. we learned that the bar graph is used for comparing data. we also learned that a linegraph is for recording data through time. we learned how to write a justified hypothesis. we learned to use the if then because format in your hypothesis. i also learned how to record data and learned how to get the number of flies at the end of three weeks.
this picture relates to what we did this week because it shows the process of scientific investigation i choose this picture because it looks cool.

Monday, May 9, 2011

this week in science(fruit flies part 2)

this week we put 3 fruit flies in our habitat. this week we made an solution for the fruit flies question. we made a poster for this to show the math we did. we also started our experiment to see the results of the question. my group picked 2 females and 1 male for the experiment.we also got our spiders this week.
 we learned that females produce 20 eggs a day. they also have the ability to store sperm from the males.we found out that they have a short life span. we learned that eggs hatch in one day and take 7 days to turn into pupa and 6 days into pupa and then 2 days to mature into an adult.
my hypothesis is if i put 1 male and 2 female fruit flies in a jar with a natural food source they will mate and in three weeks time they will have produced 100's of eggs because the female lays 20 eggs each day in 3 weeks time they will have been 420 eggs produced x 2 would be 840 and in 7 days an egg will turn in to a pupa and so on with it evolution.