Friday, April 29, 2011

this week in science(fruit flies part 1)

we took notes about our environments.we also wrote down what we saw in our environment that was new. we also observed a jar of fruit flies.we had to estimate how many there would be in a jar if we left 3 fruit flies with a food source in a jar.we used a microscope to see the bugs in detail.
we learned facts about fruit flies and the diffrence between a male and a female is size. we learned that females could store sperm and reproduce frequently for days. we learned that their is steam on our tank because that side is against the wall so it hot. we learned that plants face toward the light.
i picked this picture because it shows the fruit flies which relates to what we are learning because we are learning about fruit flies.

Friday, April 15, 2011

this week in science(ecosystem)

this week we went on a trip to the m'finda kalunga garden. her we got dirt,branches,rocks and bugs for our animals habitat. after this trip we checked up on the habitat we made for the bugs. after this we wrote down changes in the habitat. we drew a new picture of our habitat to show the difference between our first design and the actual habitat.
this week we learned about how most bugs hide under rocks. we learned that our animals actually could survive with the tank sealed shut. we also learned about the abiotic and biotic factors in our habitat. we learned that a earthworms scientific name is lumbricus terrestris. we also learned that they eat decaying plants and also soil. i also learned that worms breath through their skin and when it rains their forced to go up from the dirt because they can drown this is why birds gather up when its raining.
i want to know why their is condensation on our tank. i also want to know where are our worms because they are not visible. i want to know what they because i dont know if they have any decaying plants to eat. i really want to know why we dont got a spider yet.  

this is a picture of my group in the garden i choose it because it shows how great we work together

i think this is a picture of moss either that or its someones habitat. i picked this because it is a picture that relates to my habitat because my habitat has moss

Friday, April 1, 2011

This week in science(spider habitat design)

This week we did lots of work. we drew a picture of our spider and what we want its habitat to look like. we had to find out how to let air in our without making holes because its been taped to not let air in. we also played a game called carbon cycle it helped us plan for our spider tank.this is all we did this week.

This week we learned how the carbon cycle works. we learned how to make our spider survive without holes in the tank.we learned how that will be getting  spider and that we will be designing a habitat for it. i learned how to draw our spiders environment.i also learned a lot about our spiders and their habitats from research online.

In our picture we have lots of factors. in our picture we have a food chain the sun the grass the insects and the spider. in our picture we have three biotic thing and four abiotic things. he plants are the producers and the flies and the spider are the consumers.the predator is the spider and the prey are the flies.since the tank was designed for the spider and its prey to survive it can only hold 1 spider and a 2 flies i think thats its carrying capacity.