Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Week in Science

we dissected a frog this week and our first task was to open its mouth and break its jaw. after this we had to cut through its skin and the hard part was to find the part to cut. it was weird cause it had this thick wrinkly skin which was hard to cut. in the end we cut through the skin and got to the stomach. the hard part was that we had to cut its bone to get to the next part.we got helped and got through the bone and the stomach. it was weird to see its small intestines they were small and fake looking. after this we all took break thinking we were done. only a couple minutes later of relaxation we hear we have to take the intestines out. we got only one of them out but quit cause time was running out and it was gross.

      I learned that frogs have such small intestines and have things called fat bodies. i learned that they are good bio indicators cause of their skin. i learned that if their are a lot of frogs in one area it is a healthy area. they also have similar intestines to humans.
this is before we started i picked it cause it looks peaceful this before we started.

this is when we decided to be brave and cut  it open i picked this cause it is the first cut we made.

this picture shows when we got through the skin . i choose this because it shows the least disgusting part of the dissection in class.

this is when we got through its skin and to its stomach i picked this cause we just broke through its skin to its intestines.

this is the inside of the frog and its intestines i picked this on cause its weird we got to the intestines the look small and fake.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

frogs and blogs

I have no experience with either and have no feelings towards either of them.