Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This week in science(no impact man)

no impact mans project was to make no impact on earth. he changed his whole life style by not eating out. he also cut off the light in his house. he cleaned his clothes at home. he stopped using his fridge and used these 2 pots with dirt in between each. he made worms eat his trash.he bought foods that were natural instead of processed.
he lowered his impact because he changed his lifestyle. he did things like not using light. he only used natural resources made by the earth. which doesnt affect the earth because he uses natural products instead of the things that can harm earth.
my reaction was this is weird because each just seemed impossible. most things he did were disgusting. the feeling i had was sad. i felt bad for his daughter she had to live through that and live with a crazy father. it was just bad sad and dirty. it was dirty it was funny.

Monday, June 6, 2011

DYO #2 Fruit fly population investigation

Question:The question was how would the gender of the fruitflies affect the number of fruitflies after 3 weeks.
Hypothesis:So my hypothesis was that if i put 2 female fruitflies and 1 male fruitfly together then i will get 322 fruitflies in 21 days because the female fruitflies lay 20 eggs a day times 2 because the amount of females so you add that up and get 322.
Backround Research:when i researched i found out that female fruitflies store sperm from males and lay 20 eggs a day.i learned it takes 1 day for an egg to hatch, 7 days to become a pupa, 6 days to become a larva and 2 days to mature into an adult and be able to lay eggs. we also learned some flies cant fly because of genetics.
Procedure: 1st step. I chose 1 male and 2 female fruitflies.
2nd step. we prepared a vile with a food source.
3rd step.we put them in the vile sideways so they wouldnt fall into their food.
4th step. then we go and look at our vile and 2 other groups.
5th step.then in three we check to see how many flies are in each vile we chose.

this picture shows the graph and my data for this dy i picked because it was the only picture i had. 
  Analysis: i looked at three vials that contained 1 male and 2 female fruit flies. each vial had different amount of fruit flies at the end of 3 weeks.vial 1 had 60 fruit flies. vile 2 had 105 fruit flies. vial 3 had 70 fruit flies.
if iput 1 male and 2 female fruit flies in avile with a food souce then in 21 days there will be 322 fruit flies. my data did not support my hypothesis because i messed up with my calculations but the average of the vials was 78.3. i did not calculate right because i didnt think of deaths and how eggs wouldnt hatch. i thought they would be born every day and thats how i got 322 but i was wrong.
Conclusion: the overall experiment was a complete fail thinking about my calculations there is no way to find out how it would happen with math there were to many unexpected deaths. i calculated 322 and only got 60 it was a fail my experiment didnt support the hypothesis. the best way to do this again is redo the experiment many time and average the deaths. the question i would like to go further with is how to find the best way to solve this problem.

Friday, May 27, 2011

this week in science(daphnia and introduced species)

this week in science we did research on animals. we wrote how they were found and how they were introduced. we also wrote how they affected the enviroment and how they were spread. the last thing we did was write what humans did about this. then we went on the bio bus and did experiments on a daphnia like intoxicating them with alcohol and seeing their heart rates.

this week in science we learned about daphnias and how they are found in rivers. we learned that daphnias are good testing subjects because they are small. we also learned that they used the daphnia was the model organism. i learned that zebra mussels attach to animals and they are bad for some animals because they are capable of killing some animals.i also learned that austrailan rabbits were so bad because there bad reproducing ability.

Friday, May 13, 2011

this week in science(fruit fly dyo part 1)

this week in science we shuffeled around in groups. in each table the group moved to was a teacher. we answered questions on worksheets. we also made a graph in our notebook to research the 3 viles each week and write down number of males and females in each. we also checked our habitats my spider made lots of webs.
this week we learned about diffrent graphs. we learned that the bar graph is used for comparing data. we also learned that a linegraph is for recording data through time. we learned how to write a justified hypothesis. we learned to use the if then because format in your hypothesis. i also learned how to record data and learned how to get the number of flies at the end of three weeks.
this picture relates to what we did this week because it shows the process of scientific investigation i choose this picture because it looks cool.

Monday, May 9, 2011

this week in science(fruit flies part 2)

this week we put 3 fruit flies in our habitat. this week we made an solution for the fruit flies question. we made a poster for this to show the math we did. we also started our experiment to see the results of the question. my group picked 2 females and 1 male for the experiment.we also got our spiders this week.
 we learned that females produce 20 eggs a day. they also have the ability to store sperm from the males.we found out that they have a short life span. we learned that eggs hatch in one day and take 7 days to turn into pupa and 6 days into pupa and then 2 days to mature into an adult.
my hypothesis is if i put 1 male and 2 female fruit flies in a jar with a natural food source they will mate and in three weeks time they will have produced 100's of eggs because the female lays 20 eggs each day in 3 weeks time they will have been 420 eggs produced x 2 would be 840 and in 7 days an egg will turn in to a pupa and so on with it evolution.   

Friday, April 29, 2011

this week in science(fruit flies part 1)

we took notes about our environments.we also wrote down what we saw in our environment that was new. we also observed a jar of fruit flies.we had to estimate how many there would be in a jar if we left 3 fruit flies with a food source in a jar.we used a microscope to see the bugs in detail.
we learned facts about fruit flies and the diffrence between a male and a female is size. we learned that females could store sperm and reproduce frequently for days. we learned that their is steam on our tank because that side is against the wall so it hot. we learned that plants face toward the light.
i picked this picture because it shows the fruit flies which relates to what we are learning because we are learning about fruit flies.

Friday, April 15, 2011

this week in science(ecosystem)

this week we went on a trip to the m'finda kalunga garden. her we got dirt,branches,rocks and bugs for our animals habitat. after this trip we checked up on the habitat we made for the bugs. after this we wrote down changes in the habitat. we drew a new picture of our habitat to show the difference between our first design and the actual habitat.
this week we learned about how most bugs hide under rocks. we learned that our animals actually could survive with the tank sealed shut. we also learned about the abiotic and biotic factors in our habitat. we learned that a earthworms scientific name is lumbricus terrestris. we also learned that they eat decaying plants and also soil. i also learned that worms breath through their skin and when it rains their forced to go up from the dirt because they can drown this is why birds gather up when its raining.
i want to know why their is condensation on our tank. i also want to know where are our worms because they are not visible. i want to know what they because i dont know if they have any decaying plants to eat. i really want to know why we dont got a spider yet.  

this is a picture of my group in the garden i choose it because it shows how great we work together

i think this is a picture of moss either that or its someones habitat. i picked this because it is a picture that relates to my habitat because my habitat has moss

Friday, April 1, 2011

This week in science(spider habitat design)

This week we did lots of work. we drew a picture of our spider and what we want its habitat to look like. we had to find out how to let air in our without making holes because its been taped to not let air in. we also played a game called carbon cycle it helped us plan for our spider tank.this is all we did this week.

This week we learned how the carbon cycle works. we learned how to make our spider survive without holes in the tank.we learned how that will be getting  spider and that we will be designing a habitat for it. i learned how to draw our spiders environment.i also learned a lot about our spiders and their habitats from research online.

In our picture we have lots of factors. in our picture we have a food chain the sun the grass the insects and the spider. in our picture we have three biotic thing and four abiotic things. he plants are the producers and the flies and the spider are the consumers.the predator is the spider and the prey are the flies.since the tank was designed for the spider and its prey to survive it can only hold 1 spider and a 2 flies i think thats its carrying capacity.

Friday, March 25, 2011

This Week In Science (carrying capacity and relationship)

this week in science we watched a bunch of videos of animals relationships. we also played a game called oh deer that you have to get a person who has the same thing as you. i dont really remember the instructions. we also played a card game with our groups to learn more.

 this week we learned about mutualism, commenalism and paratism. mutualism means organisms helping one another, commenalism means an organism helping another without the other wanting it and paratism an organism gaining something  and the other gets badly affected by it. together these are called symbiotic relationships.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

this week in science: food chain and energy pyramid

   this week in science we made a food chain using animals from our animals habitat. we also made a energy pyramid using animals from our animals habitat we also drew pictures for both of these with our animals. we actually got lots of work.                                                                                                                  
this week in science we learned about energy pyramids and web chains. i learned that the longer an organism is living the less its energy becomes. this week we learned about diffrent type of consumers and producers. we found out that plants are also called autotroph because they make their own food. this week we made our own energy pyramids and web chains including our own animals that we have been researching about.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Fantasy Habitat

This week in science i learned about biomes, abiotic and biotic things. i learned that bearded dragons are found in desserts. i found out their are cactus in the dessert. ive found out that my animal is an omnivore. i larned that biomes are habitats an biotic is a living thing and an abiotic is non living thing..

this week in science we researched are animal we also had to find their biomes. my animal is a bearded dragon and its biome is an dessert. after this we had to find abiotic and biotic thingb in our animals habitat. when we finished are research we had to draw a picture of our animals in their biomes. we also had to include abiotic and biotic things in our drawing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Week in Science

we dissected a frog this week and our first task was to open its mouth and break its jaw. after this we had to cut through its skin and the hard part was to find the part to cut. it was weird cause it had this thick wrinkly skin which was hard to cut. in the end we cut through the skin and got to the stomach. the hard part was that we had to cut its bone to get to the next part.we got helped and got through the bone and the stomach. it was weird to see its small intestines they were small and fake looking. after this we all took break thinking we were done. only a couple minutes later of relaxation we hear we have to take the intestines out. we got only one of them out but quit cause time was running out and it was gross.

      I learned that frogs have such small intestines and have things called fat bodies. i learned that they are good bio indicators cause of their skin. i learned that if their are a lot of frogs in one area it is a healthy area. they also have similar intestines to humans.
this is before we started i picked it cause it looks peaceful this before we started.

this is when we decided to be brave and cut  it open i picked this cause it is the first cut we made.

this picture shows when we got through the skin . i choose this because it shows the least disgusting part of the dissection in class.

this is when we got through its skin and to its stomach i picked this cause we just broke through its skin to its intestines.

this is the inside of the frog and its intestines i picked this on cause its weird we got to the intestines the look small and fake.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

frogs and blogs

I have no experience with either and have no feelings towards either of them.